Is the Church Abandoning Its People in Their Toughest Dilemmas? - Tom Gilson - Thinking Christian

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Is the Church Abandoning Its People in Their Toughest Dilemmas? - Tom Gilson - Thinking Christian

"Three ethical dilemmas, each of them a true story. What do they have in common, other than the obvious?

"An analyst working at a major corporate headquarters says, 'If I eat lunch at Chick-fil-A, I don't dare mention it when I return to work. Chick-fil-A is 'homophobic,' they say, and they'll report me to HR for creating a hostile work environment.'

"All the managers in one corporate department have placed LGBT 'Ally' stickers on their office doors. All but one, that is: the one Christian there, who feels caught. By not putting a sticker on his own door, he's making an unpopular statement -- one that could earn him disciplinary action.

"A manager at another corporation sees his company throwing great public support behind last June's LGBT "Pride" month. He feels an ethical urgency to talk to his boss about the Christian view being overlooked -- if not outright steamrolled -- in the process. His boss is homosexual, by the way.

"I didn't make up these stories. These are friends of mine. At first, when the one friend mentioned the Chick-fil-A issue, I thought he was exaggerating for effect, but he assured me he was deadly serious.

"Obviously all three of these are about dilemmas these friends have faced at work. But they've got one more thing in common: Not one of them has ever heard any clear advice from the pulpit on how to handle tough situations like these."

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