Directory of Discount Department Stores, 1980 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The linked page shows Walmart's 271 locations in eleven states. Wal-Mart, as it was then, had only just begun to move into metro areas, but not yet into big cities. The Catoosa store (actually just inside the city limits of Tulsa SW of 193rd East Ave and Admiral) was a recent addition. The list of Tulsa discount department stores includes Oklahoma City-based T. G. & Y. Family Centers (at 40k to 60k sq. ft., a larger format for the dime store chain, comparable to Wal-Marts of that time), K-Mart (Tulsa had four), Target (Tulsa had two), Woolco (Woolworth's large-format discount store -- Tulsa had one where the 41st and Yale Reasor's now is, and one on Admiral), and home-grown Oertle's (owned by this time by David's in Wichita). Note that the guide does not include non-discount department stores (e.g., Sears, Penney's, Dillard's, Froug's, C. R. Anthony). Nationally, K-Mart had 1607 stores and $11.7 billion in sales.
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