I Was America's First 'Nonbinary' Person. It Was All a Sham. | Intellectual Takeout
I Was America's First 'Nonbinary' Person. It Was All a Sham. | Intellectual Takeout
Jamie Shupe writes:
"The best thing that could have happened would have been for someone to order intensive therapy. That would have protected me from my inclination to cross-dress and my risky sexual transgressions, of which there were many.
"Instead, quacks in the medical community hid me in the women's bathroom with people's wives and daughters. 'Your gender identity is female,' these alleged professionals said....
"Three years into my gender change from male to female, I looked hard into the mirror one day. When I did, the facade of femininity and womanhood crumbled... When the fantasy of being a woman came to an end, I asked two of my doctors to allow me to become nonbinary instead of female to bail me out. Both readily agreed....
"I do not have any disorders of sexual development. All of my sexual confusion was in my head. I should have been treated. Instead, at every step, doctors, judges, and advocacy groups indulged my fiction."
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