She's a thrift store detective of sorts --- she buys mementos and returns them to their rightful owners, free of charge - Sydney Page

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She's a thrift store detective of sorts --- she buys mementos and returns them to their rightful owners, free of charge - Sydney Page

"Brown said she is able to track down the descendants of about 80% of the items she finds, as she typically opts exclusively for things that contain some form of a clue, be it a name, date or other identifying marker. She then uses MyHeritage to build a family tree and scour for potential descendants.

"Recently, she found an old Valentine's Day card written by a woman to her husband, and returned it to the couple's granddaughter. She also returned love letters from the 1960s to the woman to whom they were originally written - marking the first time Brown gave back an item to its original owner and not a descendant. She is now working on returning a baby journal from 1908."


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