Were McDonald's Fries Better Before the '90s? - The Ringer

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Were McDonald's Fries Better Before the '90s? - The Ringer

Malcolm Gladwell on McDonald's French Fries: "I mean, it's a french fry. It's never going to be a healthy product. And it turns out to be false that vegetable oil is healthier for you than beef tallow. That's also wrong. So not only did they destroy the french fry, they gave us something that was worse for us from a health perspective. So everything about it was a mistake. If they had any balls at all, they would turn around and say, 'We were wrong, and we're going back to fries the old way.'" (Via Atlas Obscura, which mentions that McDonald's original oil blend was an accident of cost-cutting. "By providing clients with a blend of about 7% vegetable oil and 93% beef tallow, [Interstate Foods] could extend the oil's shelf life without the use of costly [hydrogenation] machinery.")


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