Some parents warn of conservative culture wars in NYC's education council elections - Gothamist

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Some parents warn of conservative culture wars in NYC's education council elections - Gothamist

A group that seeks to preserve selective admissions for New York City's top academic high schools has progressives worried about elections to a parental advisory council. "They point to some group members' public support for book bans, transphobic internal group messages, and anti-'woke' tweets." (Read that as many parents who support academic excellence also oppose grooming children into early sexual experimentation and gender confusion, leading to mutilating surgeries and growth-stunting hormones. These same parents also oppose teaching racially based defeatism and racial scapegoating.)

"'We look for candidates who support merit-based education rooted in strong academics, ones who want more access and opportunities to challenge students' intellect and readiness, and won't undermine it by lowering expectations,' said parent Yiatin Chu, co-founder and co-vice president of PLACE...."


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