Disease X, Covid, and medical greed: this has been happening for years | The Spectator Australia

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Disease X, Covid, and medical greed: this has been happening for years | The Spectator Australia

Alexandra Marshall writes: "Years ago, I wrote an article for this publication called, Digital darkness: the third apocalypse. In it, I included a discussion about 'conditioning' in which global bureaucracies were 'training' leaders to respond in a predictable manner to unpredictable scenarios - such as a catastrophic disease outbreak.

"It sounds like a great idea until you realise that bespoke and varied solutions made by unpredictable governments is how we solve problems as a species. Tightly controlled, regimented answers lead to public health disasters, such as we saw during Covid under the godly command of the World Health Organisation and its deeply vested interests.

"Sitting beneath this problem is that of corporate interest. Big Pharma requires predictable responses from government so that it can monetise the next pandemic (even more so than the last one). A product sitting on a pharmacy shelf, or even better, mandated by the state as part of a health passport, is worth a fortune that would make Alexander the Great quiver with desire."


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