State-approved University of Austin to start taking applications

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State-approved University of Austin to start taking applications

"School leaders also said they will offer the inaugural 100-student class full scholarships for the entirety of their four-year undergraduate program....

"'This is an opportunity for students to not only go to a university but help us build the university or build the culture of the university, create the institution with us,' UATX President Pano Kanelos told The Texas Tribune. 'We thought that there would be a wonderful way to reward them for being part of this project by offering these scholarships.'...

"They found a location in the Scarborough building on Sixth Street and Congress Avenue in downtown Austin, with plans to build a larger campus in the outskirts of the city in the future. They are also working to establish student housing in downtown Austin.... Kanelos said the university plans to keep tuition around $32,000 a year." I wish they'd take a page from SCAD's book instead of moving to the outskirts -- renovate scattered old buildings in downtown to add to the campus. More about the University of Austin on its website.


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