The Christian Canary Dying in the Coal Mine That Is India - The Stream

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The Christian Canary Dying in the Coal Mine That Is India - The Stream

"Secret No. 2: a significant portion of North-East India is predominantly Christian. The mostly mountainous region of eight states and over 200 tribes experienced an unprecedented explosion of Christianity in the early part of the 20th century.

"Missiologists and anthropologists agree that the Gospel has been the "single most important catalyst" revolutionizing the North-East tribals in every area, from literacy to the emancipation of women.

"Most remarkably, even though it was Western missionaries who brought Christianity to the tribes, the churches of North-East India are fiercely independent and proudly indigenous, blending their own treasured heritage with the import of Western music and culture.

"Throw a stone in Nagaland, Mizoram or Meghalaya and it will hit a quartet of Christians singing hymns in four-part harmony."



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