Michelle Malkin: The inspiring story of Maglite inventor Tony Maglica

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Michelle Malkin: The inspiring story of Maglite inventor Tony Maglica

From Michelle Malkin in 2015: "In our home, we try to instill a life lesson for our kids best summed up in Latin: Nihil boni sine labore. It means, 'Nothing good achieved without hard work.'

"Few people I've met in my lifetime embody this motto better and more brilliantly than Tony Maglica, inventor of the iconic Maglite flashlight.

"The spry 84-year-old founder and CEO of Mag Instrument still traverses his 450,000-square-foot factory floor dozens of times over the course of his 12-hour workday, six days a week, beginning at the crack of dawn and ending after most of his 800 employees have clocked out."


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