Which Circle? on Facebook

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Which Circle? on Facebook

Back in the early 2000s, Jeff Friend and Chris Huber wrote a comic strip called "Which Circle?" a thinly-veiled spoof of Campus Crusade for Christ as they encountered it in their college years. Sixteen episodes, which were published in The [Wittenburg] Door, are available on Facebook. The archived whichcircle.com website appears to have a complete collection of 21 episodes and features commentaries from Friend and Huber, elaborating on the aspects of Cru culture that inspired each episode. Jon Bitterhouse, the Wildwood summer project director in Episode 10, is based on a real staffer who was my summer project city director in Quezon City, the Phillipines, in 1983. I found a lot in the strip that echoed my experiences, particularly the condescending attitudes displayed toward rival campus ministries.



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