EXPLORE THE ATLAS -- National Zoning Atlas
EXPLORE THE ATLAS -- National Zoning Atlas
This is a very cool idea: An online, interactive map showing zoning nationwide. Found via the Neighborhood Development group on Facebook, where group founder R. John Anderson warns:
"Heads up, this is a promising tool for general investigation, but fully understanding the underlying actual zoning ordinance in a specific municipality is critical. SO DO NOT PUT ANY PROPERTY UNDER CONTRACT BASED UPON THIS WHIZ BANG TECHNOLOGY. If you want to build/rebuild in that place, make it your goal to know that code better than the staff who administer it or the planning commission who interpret it."
Anderson urges prospective developers to pay attention to the procedural info typically at the front of the zoning code, definitions which may have subtle differences from one jurisdiction to another, e.g., how density and building height are calculated, what constitutes a family, what are parking minimums.
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