Nov 13, 1949, page 81 - Tulsa World at

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Associated Grocers 10th anniversary special section - Nov 13, 1949, page 81 - Tulsa World at

If you have a subscription and you're interested in Tulsa history, this will take you to a special treat: A 16-page section celebrating the 10th anniversary of Associated Grocers. A-G was a cooperative of 110 independently-owned neighborhood grocery stores with joint wholesale grocery purchasing and joint newspaper advertising, trying to keep mom-and-pop stores competitive with the growing national chains. This section has a list of member stores and profiles of many of the store owners. A-G's 22,000 sq. ft. warehouse was at 1801 E. Jasper St., and there was a separate building for fruit and vegetable distribution at the North Trenton Street Market.


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