Michael Bates: June 2023 Archives

If You Do Not Believe This, You Cannot Be Saved - Finally Human

A Trinity Sunday message from our friend Ian Burgess, St. Matthew's, Carver Street, Sheffield:

"The faith we proclaim, the faith of the One in Three, the Trinity in Unity, is not the pious reflections of long-dead scholars, but it is the testimony of the God who has come to save us, and now dwells in us to bring about the renewal of all things. The doctrine of the Trinity doesn't arrive in our Church by the straining of the mind, but by revelation, by God's self-disclusure to the unworthy and unrepentent such that we might come to life everlasting and share evermore in the wonderful life shared by the Persons of the Godhead, in whose image we were made and to whose likeness we are being restored."