Global News: January 2008 Archives

Weekly Standard: How Bush Decided on the Surge

Fred Barnes interviews the President and his top advisers to tell the story -- how the idea of the surge was developed and how Bush built consensus among military leaders to move forward with it.

Government renames Islamic terrorism as 'anti-Islamic activity' to woo Muslims | the Daily Mail

"Ministers have adopted a new language for declarations on Islamic terrorism. In future, fanatics will be referred to as pursuing 'anti-Islamic activity'." (Via JunkYardBlog.)


A series of fireworks safety ads in the Netherlands features this fake terrorist group that seeks "extermination of roots of freedoms worldwide with the aid of great fireworks" but mostly succeeds in blowing themselves up, Wile E. Coyote style. Those who make a living at being offended by such things are offended. (Via JunkYardBlog.)