War on Terror: December 2023 Archives

The self-delusion of secular Jews - UnHerd

Playwright David Mamet writes:

"Western Jews have traditionally voted for liberalism, which is to say for inclusion in some imaginary coalition of the right-thinking. We support the United Nations, a Potemkin village of remittance men hired to denounce Israel, and we elect politicians who kowtow to murderous antisemites. We send our children to elite universities, which teach antisemitism and support anti-Jewish demonstrations, and then advise them to "stay safe". Can you name another group which behaves similarly?...

"Mike Tyson remarked that everyone has a plan until they get punched in the nose. Diaspora Leftist Jews have tried to escape punishment by staying out of the ring -- and acknowledging our enemies' right to an opinion, and our responsibility as Jews to defend that right at whatever cost to our interests. The American Civil Liberties Union stands up for the right of protestors to demonstrate -- that is, to "act out" -- in favour of genocide, much as their co-religionary Aaron explained to Moses: "What could I do? They took the gold and threw it in the pot and this calf came out, and we worshipped it."...

"Jews were not instructed to worship fairness (a human concept, incapable of absolute determination), but to worship God and keep his ordinances. Indeed, a devotion to God and the Word of God is the sole protection we poor weak humans have against doing evil. Our devotion will not protect us from the evil others do, however -- and that's why we have armies."