Politics: March 2008 Archives
Eliot Spitzer's Princeton '80 classmates remember him when: "I think you'll recall that he was the typical student government jackass, power-hungry in his little tiny area of influence, always scheming, a real pr**k....
Even then he had scary-dead eyes, like a damn shark. He struck me as a ruthless SOB at the time, and I didn't have much to do with him if I could avoid it." Another commenter responds to the question, "Who needs sex this badly?": "The same sort of personality that desperately needs to hold high office?"
The American Spectator: Archer Daniels Meltdown
Another reason to worry about ethanol: "Alcohol fuels may constitute a new type of fire hazard because they are harder to extinguish than gasoline fires and require new types of fire-extinguishing equipment and training."
National Review: Jay Nordlinger: Only a few notes...
Nordlinger shares tales of dining with William F. Buckley Jr. at barbecue and burger joints, with many other anecdotes.