Politics::Election2008: September 2007 Archives
AP: Gingrich Says No to White House Bid
Good for him, good for the GOP, good for the country: He'll keep running his think-tank and generating ideas for others to use. (Via Kevin McCullough.)
Hugh Hewitt: CA-4: Eric Egland for Congress
Time for Republicans to clean up our messes. Porkmeister John Doolittle, under investigation for corruption, needs to be sent packing. Patrick Ruffini says that Eric Egland, a counter-terrorism consultant and military intelligence officer, is the man for the job.
McCain: Out of the evangelical closet?
John McCain, long identified as an Episcopalian, says he's been an active member of a large Baptist Church in Phoenix for 15 years.
Hooah Wife and friends: Star Trek & Ron Paul
A picture is worth a thousand words, and here is Greta's thousand-word essay on why she can't see Ron Paul as the Barry Goldwater of the 21st Century.