Profound: May 2008 Archives
Julie R. Neidlinger: Lone Prairie Art Works: The lies of when
Julie fills in the blanks: "I will ____ when I ____." "There is no when. It never comes. There is only now and what was."
Crummy Church Signs: Just say whatever comes to your mind...
There's hope for us all: "The great oak was once a nut that stood its ground."
Violins and Starships: If I Could Reach a Million
Lynn has 15 pieces of advice she wants a thousand thousands to know. "Don't panic!" is number 5. "If the shoe hurts don't wear it," is number 15.
Skills for Men - Things Men Should Be Able to Do - Esquire
A list of 75. (Via Okiedoke.)
Fairness, idealism and other atrocities - Los Angeles Times
What P. J. O'Rourke would say to college graduates, given the chance.