Technology: October 2007 Archives
CL&P Blog: All Criticism of This Website Is Hereby Forbidden
A website's "Privacy and User Agreement" says, in a nutshell: "You can't link to us, you can't quote from us, and you can't criticize us without our permission." No, not the Tulsa World, but Inventor-Link. (Via Ron Coleman at Likelihood of Confusion, who told the Whirled where to get off when they tried a similar stunt.)
The Law of Mobility: MIT-Stanford VLAB - who "owns" your location?
Russ McGuire of Sprint Nextel writes regarding what mobile telephone service providers might be able to do for you based on where you are: "I argued that 'ownership' is the wrong concept since 'where someone is' does not fit the model for intellectual property - information that can be owned. The real question is who can control how that information is used and who can make money from its use?"
Mister Fixit: Three-way switch description
Simplest, clearest explanation and diagram I've found of how a three-way light switch works. The only thing to keep in mind is that what he has labeled as "A" and "B" (the traveler screws) are, in a typical three-way switch, opposite each other at the top of the switch. This Lowe's guide to three-way switches helped complete the picture.
Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats
Can't open a .docx attachment in your older version of Word? Here's the solution.