Technology: August 2012 Archives Pre-defined C/C++ Compiler Macros

C/C++ macros tied to compiler, operating-system, machine architecture, and language standard. Very helpful for writing open-source code that can compile and run in a variety of circumstances.

Installing the classical Greek keyboard

How to type Greek on a Windows XP computer.

Typing in Greek

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Typing in Greek

An illustrated guide, in PDF format, to typing accented Greek in Microsoft Windows. Nice table showing the key combinations for each combination of diacritical marks.

Polytonic Greek Unicode Keyboards

A comparison of a third-party keyboard layout for Windows (EZAccent) and native Windows support for typing polytonic (accented) Greek. Plus how to type in Greek on Apple products.

Windows Keyboard Layouts

How to type funny foreign letters (like Greek with accents and breathings and iota subscripts) in Windows. It's easier than you might think.

Epoch Converter - Unix Timestamp Converter

Convert between human-readable time and seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970, Unix's internal way of counting time.